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Marnie Smith8:18 AMHow do I get a new laptop?AskJackAPP8:18 AMSubmit a request through the IT portal andinclude your manager's approval in the ticket.Employee Equipment ProceduresACME Corp Employee EquipmentIT Employee PortalEmployee IT Portal | ACME CorpMarnie Smith8:20 AMThanks, will do!
RJRobert Jordan9:34 AMHow do I get a parking pass?Marnie Smith9:35 AMTo get a parking pass, submit a requestthrough the facilities portal using youremployee ID. You'll need to specify yourvehicle make, model, and license plate.You can access it from the companyintranet under 'Employee Services'> 'Facilities Management'RJRobert Jordan9:36 AMThanks Marnie! I'll submit a request right away.Get notifiedPin to channelQuick Note in AskJackAnswer with AskJack

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